Block One: Jesus
August 16, 2020
A three-week series featuring Pastor Mike + Dr. Tammy Smith
This year’s relationship series with Pastor Mike and Dr. Tammy Smith comes at one of the most difficult and unusual times in modern memory, the pandemic of 2020. A season of relational separation and distance that has strained people in ways formally unknown, and its consequences are far reaching.
Marriages are struggling, relationships are breaking, families are bumping along, and friendships are stressed. There may be no better time for a teaching on the basics of relationships and what blocks them from being all that God wants them to be. And the truth is, God wants our relationships to be the very spaces in which we see Him better, and even experience Him more deeply. That’s the starting point for all good and healthy relationships: that God has ordained them to be part of the process of our transformation – more so than having created them for our own personal happiness.
The Bible says that good relationships are like iron sharpening iron. If you’ve ever seen iron sharpening iron, there are a lot of sparks flying! Tammy brings 25 years of counseling experience and all the helps and tools that come with it. Mike’s practical theology and insight are always helpful. Together, they are an entertaining combination of rock-solid guidance and light-hearted fun. Tammy shares quite a bit about what everyone’s experiencing in our current circumstance. They also cover the three big things every relationship needs to be healthy and a bucket-full of typical blockages. They finish the series by exposing the biggest saboteur of relationships.
Invite your friends to watch along with you, a couple that might need help, or whomever you think might benefit from this message series. They certainly won’t regret it!
August 16, 2020
August 23, 2020
August 30, 2020