Equipping is designed with a focus on those areas of life where we could all use a little support and encouragement. The topics are relevant, the help is practical and the reach is broad.
Equipping isn’t for the church alone but is intended to be a bridge and a bond for the church and community … it’s intended to be a way to love and serve our communities!
Equipping provides an opportunity to address the issues and topics each of us face woven through the hope of the gospel!
Upcoming Equipping Events
Real Hope for Real Life
Read more about our amazing speaker, Dr. Tammy Smith, on her website.
Parenting In Difficult Times
Is there anything more challenging than parenting? Most people would likely agree, but when adding difficult times to the mix, it’s hard not to feel like a failure most of the time or overwhelmed at the least when trying to raise a child into adulthood. We’ll spend time during this evening around God’s wisdom gaining perspective, tools, encouragement and strength for our worn out hearts. Come for a refresher no matter what the age of your children, or even if your “children” are grown, “grands” or just ones in the faith. God always meets us when we seek Him for any reason.
Marriage In Difficult Times
Relationships = complicated. Don’t you wonder why this isn’t spelled out for us before the wedding ceremony? Perhaps it is, but we don’t really see it until we are some years into marriage. Whatever the case, marriage is one of God’s wildest ideas and it is an amazing space of consecration, closeness and confusion. And there is not one marriage that doesn’t contain hurt. We will spend time during this night receiving God’s hope and help in the face of all the bliss and brokenness of the marriage vows we made. Come and receive loving comfort or correction, encouragement or exhortation – knowing our God, there will like be plenty of all of it!
Strength When We’re Weary
Only God knows how exhausted to the core you really are. Perhaps it’s just the grind of life that’s got you. Or perhaps it’s deep relational hurt. Or an ongoing difficulty. Maybe a private pain. Whatever the case, there is strength to be had through our relationship with the Lord. While that might sound too good to be true, it’s not. This is our actual promise for believers. Come and find out how even when we are weary in the deepest region of our souls, real strength is available.
LEAD Series
In a series of brief videos, Pastor Gary Triechler, provides equipping in all aspects of small group leadership. These videos are designed for both existing and future leaders. In their entirety, there’s just over an hour of leadership equipping in these videos. Take some time to watch, listen and ask questions!