
March 31, 2024  |  Northwest HUB

5626 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH, USA

Join us at 9am or 10:45am!
At the Northwest HUB | 5626 Frantz Rd., Dublin

> PARKING/ ENTRANCE: The parking and Main Entrance are in the rear of the building. We suggest entering from Bradenton Ave. If you happen to come in the Frantz Rd entrance, please continue on to the large parking lot in the rear.

> KIDS:  Full Kids Programming will be provided for both services.

> LIVESTREAM: If you’re unable to attend in person or have family & friends outside of the area, you can direct them to Vista’s Youtube Channel. The livestream will be available on March 31 at 9am.

The skies had gone black. The earth shook, and the temple veil was torn in two. It seems all creation was groaning at the pain it had been subjected to by the brokenness wrought by sin. But God, the Gardner, would not leave His creation for dead. He would resurrect Jesus Christ from the dead and begin the work of renewing creation. Starting with His follower Mary who was weeping in the garden where His tomb had been, the news began to spread. Everything was different now, there would truly be hope for the hopeless. Jesus, Himself the seed that had planted Himself in the ground had burst forth from the grave. God was only beginning to make His garden grow out from Calvary. Calvary had been a tree, an instrument of death, that would now give life to all people who would come and partake. In the hands of the creator God, the cross of Calvary had become a tree of Life.