Maundy Thursday

April 17 6:00 pm  |  Northwest HUB

5626 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH, USA

For over 2,000 years, Maundy Thursday has been a reflection of the Last Supper, and this year, Vista will join in this ancient tradition with all the saints who have gone before us and with believers around the world. Come and be part of this meaningful moment in the life of the church as we reflect, remember, and celebrate the love and sacrifice of our Savior.
Please RSVP for dinner and childcare by April 14. Kiddos are certainly welcome and encouraged to stay in the service. If you’d like to take advantage of free childcare, infants – grade 5 will be dismissed after dinner.
Keep reading for a full description of the evening.
We will gather to share a meal together, just as Jesus did with His disciples in the upper room. This sacred evening will include communion, where we will remember the body and blood of Christ, and a time for sharing personal testimonies, celebrating the transformative power of Jesus in our lives.

As part of the service, we will make the practice of foot washing available, following the example set by Christ, who humbled Himself by washing the feet of His disciples. We will also sing hymns of praise, echoing the worship that Jesus and His disciples shared that night.