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January 31st: Where Is God?
  • Philippians 4:6-7
  • Psalm 57
  • Psalm 91:4
  • Psalm 147:3
  • Isaiah 41:10
  • Isaiah 54:10
  • James 1:2-4
  • Daniel 3:14-18
  • Matthew 11:28-30

How can we pray for you?

Pray for Glen R Brown 93 . Wanting to hear from Kim and Gary Treichler. 941-924-0742
6 people have prayed
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A friend of mine, Katherine, grew up in a Christian family, but going through life lost her beliefs and became an atheist. Please, pray so that she would be delivered from false teaching. May God intervene and shine a light on her, as He is forgiving and merciful. May she find a new path that leads to life with God. Thank you for your prayers!
12 people have prayed
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Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and blood pressure issues. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray for the removal of debt regarding Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and become newer each day. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve and aunt Jackie
10 people have prayed
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I was released from a 30+ year position in July (COVID reorg.)... I am nearing 60, but feeling 25 in my heart and energy. I am terrified that I will not find a job. I am just now applying for unemployment and this whole journey is eating away at everything that I thought I was. I have applied for another job that sounds wonderful and instead of trusting God with this, I live in fear of the next rejection. Please pray for my trust in HIS will, and for at least one last position where He can use me however He wishes. Thank you.
21 people have prayed
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Kristine Robbins
Our son Eric and daughter-in-law Kristen are heading to Riverside Hospital. . She is 36 weeks pregnant and doctor decided to induce her today due to signs of preeclampsia. Baby boy is 8 lbs. and they feel he's ready. Keep them all in your prayers, please.
19 people have prayed
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Nicole L
I ask that you please pray that my family and I will be guided to the right attorney that will take my medical case, one that has supporting experts who agree with my doctors and will obtain a large settlement to take care of my medical needs and my family. Please watch over us all and support us financially through this transition time. In Jesus' name, Amen.
8 people have prayed
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Please pray for safety for the people of Madang Papua New Guinea and the missionaries who serve them. There has been an increase in the number of break-ins and hold ups lately.
19 people have prayed
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Kim Byars
Hello, I am emailing to ask for your prayer and consideration to be a part of an event coming up in September called "The Return". You may already know about it. After learning about this event and praying, I have felt God leading me to contact churches and ask them to be a part of prayer and fasting (if you are led to) for the repentance of our nation. Bringing revival. Would you please consider leading your church in being a part of "The Return? Information on "The Return" can be found at or I do believe we are about to see God move mountains!! Standing on God's Promise... "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. " 2 Chronicles 7:14 The Body of Christ standing together as one. To God be all the Glory!!!! Thank you! Kim Byars Please share with others.
9 people have prayed
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Please pray for Bill! He is in the hospital with COVID-19. He is having trouble breathing and they are considering putting him on a ventilator. He is exhausted and wanting to give up. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, that Bill would not need to go on a ventilator and that the Lord would renew his strength and will to fight. Thank you!
9 people have prayed
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