Unleashed describes the zeal with which we are going after our first ever permanent church home in the northwest!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Frantz Road Project?

5626 Frantz Rd, Dublin, OH is a potential home for the North West Vista congregation.

It’s a 40,000sf, two-story structure with 500 parking spaces. Its size affords us plenty of worship, mid-size gathering, student, and kids space, along with opportunities to explore not-for-profit and for-profit partnerships and cooperative ventures that increase our ability to reach more and further.

It’s a physical structure that supports the practices that reflect our faith:

  • Worshipful space…where the humble gather as equals before God through shared experiences, sacraments, encouragement, and sending
  • A Relational space…where Vista and the surrounding community (church, parachurch, business) overlap and cooperate for our good and God’s glory
  • Missional space…out of which mercy, compassion and generosity flow to those still far from God
What Are Our Other Options?
Our work, our patience, and our God have led us to 5626 Frantz Rd – an opportunity worth making our strongest effort.


We’ve sorted through dozens of possibilities (for years, intensely for 18-months), but this one alone has met our minimum criteria (zoning, size, parking, cost). We’re going to exhaust this possibility, ready to adapt to another path of God’s design if we cannot raise the necessary funds.
How Do We Know This Is the Right One?
What we know is that it’s in a good location, it accommodates all of our uses and more, and it’s a fiscally reasonable investment (there’s nothing comparable that meets our requirements, and building something similar at the same location would cost $8–$10 million).


We’ll know it’s the right one as we finish our due diligence and discover the will of God through the giving results of the church and other potential partners.
What’s the Cost of the Frantz Road Building?
Building + Property………………..$3,000,000
Initial Renovation Costs…………$500,000
New Operational Costs………….$500,000
Total Cost………………………………$4,000,000
How Will We Finance This Project?
By year’s end, we expect to finance the $4,000,000 Frantz Rd Project through a combination of major Vista donations, 2-year Vista regular giving commitments, a bank loan of $1,300,000 (maximum), and potential external contributions.
Are We Financially Healthy Enough to Make This Investment?
Many changes have occurred and difficult steps taken over the past eighteen months – staff reductions, renegotiated benefits, and streamlined ministry costs to name a few. The result is an overall budget reduction of 25% that puts us in alignment with current giving.
What Are You Asking Me To Do?

Exercise faith and pray!

  • Enter a journey of faith and expect the character development associated with any God-driven pursuit.
  • Schedule a few minutes of daily prayer that we will clearly hear God’s direction for Vista as it relates to this and any property in the North West Columbus area.

Give generously! 

  • Consider a major donation in addition to your regular giving. Determine your range and over the next few weeks pray for the faith to move.
  • Consider your 2-year regular giving commitment. What would be required to take another step toward tithing?


  • Sunday, November 7th, come together and make our commitments!
Why Do We Need To Make A 2-Year Regular Giving Commitment?
  • 2-year regular giving commitments serve the needs of both our lender and our budget.
  • Bank loans to churches require congregational giving commitments as an alternative to what a business might show as an operating cash flow to handle the debt service.
  • For us, 2-year regular giving increases and commitments provide confidence to forge ahead, and also buy time for the congregation to rebound, grow, and add to our giving base.
How Do We Arrive At An Amount for Our Major Donation?

First, remember that this is a spiritual exercise as much as it is a financial one. It’s clear in scripture that wherever God intends for his people to go…can only be reached by faith. Praying and hearing from God is a critical part of any decision.

Second, consider this approach: Using the gift distribution list below, establish your donation range with a low end that’s comfortable and a high end that’s very uncomfortable. And then use the time between now and Nov 7th to pray for the faith to move up in that range.

Will Major Donations Be Returned If the Project Is Discontinued?

Although Sunday, Nov 7th, is our deadline for commitments, we don’t anticipate collecting major donations until we’re certain about the purchase, a few weeks prior to closing, in mid to late December.

What's Our Timeline?
  • Final giving commitments are scheduled to be submitted and received on Sunday, Nov 7th.
  • Closing on the property will be 30-60 days after sufficient commitments are secured.
  • Construction renovations necessary to meet use codes will take 30-60 days following closing.
Who's Working On This?
The Board of Directors and Elders
  • Bob Castor
  • Mary Clark
  • Matt Cooper
  • Corinne Evans
  • Natalie Fancher
  • Angela Hanson
  • Tod Heath
  • John Parente
  • Mike Smith
  • Gary Treichler
  • Paul Vorst
  • Eric Biddle (candidate)
  • Andrew Swartzel (candidate)
Special Advisors
  • Laurie Riebel
  • Blake Sherry
  • Jeff Strine
Church Financial Development Consultant
  • Mark Slabaugh
What Does the Building Look Like?